Archive for January, 2021


Into February and a new Blog Carnival

31 January, 2021

War in HeavenJanuary is quickly ending as the year moves ever onward.   February gets its name from Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa performed at this time of year.  The Romans considered February an ill-omened month which is why it is only twenty-eight days long. 

Normally, I use the theme of curses for February but as I am hosting the RPG Blog Carnival on the theme of Gifts of the Gods, divine artifacts, I will be focusing on that.  I do hope you can join in on the RPG Blog Carnival, it is good fun and good inspiration.

What was published on the journal in January, 2021, was:

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Tuesday Magic Item – Sand Snake Sandals

26 January, 2021

Like this but with more snakeskin“I know I have complained about cold, but heat is worse,” said Voddick stopping for another drink from his canteen.

“Well, you should be wearing proper shoes like these,” said Gollaon displaying ankle and sandal.

“I do not care for sandals,” replied Voddick.

“Your loss.”

Sand Snake Sandals

These sandals are made of heavy leather with snakeskin finish, the soles are reinforced with metal hobnails and include a thin layer of snake skin between the sole and the foot bed.  The buckles and metal fitting often have a snake theme to them. Read the rest of this entry ?


Questions for Characters venturing into the Sea of Stars – Kinship and Kine

25 January, 2021

Home is where the house isInspired by Judd the Librarian’s questions, I decided to write up a few questions to help people think about their characters.  I did a section of questions based on character class, now time for some about their culture and kin in the Sea of Stars:

For All:

What sort of family did you come from?  Did you leave on good terms?  Could you go home?  Do you want to?

Did you have a pet growing up?  If so, what was it?  If not, did you want one?

What is you favorite childhood memory?  And your greatest childhood fear?

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Tuesday Magic Item – Dwarven Work Boots

20 January, 2021

Pull yourself up

“Now these are the sort of boots I have always wanted.” said Voddick admiring his new boots.

“Well, they are nice if you like that sort of thing,” said Gollaon.

“Look at that stitching!  And the sole, it will defeat most hazards.”

“The yellow stitching seems a bit garish,” said Gollaon with a frown.

“It is a signature of the boot maker,” said Voddick defensively.

Dwarven Work Boots

These boots are heavy and over-engineered, designed and reinforced with metal and magic to protect the wearers feet against most threats one is likely to encounter.  And for all of that, they are remarkable comfortable.

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Pull yourself up

“Now these are the sort of boots I have always wanted.” said Voddick admiring his new boots.

“Well, they are nice if you like that sort of thing,” said Gollaon.

“Look at that stitching!  And the sole, it will defeat most hazards.”

“The yellow stitching seems a bit garish,” said Gollaon with a frown.

“It is a signature of the boot maker,” said Voddick defensively.

Dwarven Work Boots

These boots are heavy and over-engineered, designed and reinforced with metal and magic to protect the wearers feet against most threats one is likely to encounter.  And for all of that, they are remarkable comfortable.

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Shadowrun Campaign News for the start of 2021/2078 and a new Seattle Scream Prop (#69)

17 January, 2021

All kinds of Go-GangsWe are continuing to play Shadowrun via the wonders of the proto-Matrix  (supported by Tyche’s Games our local game store) but not as often or as long as our in-person sessions.  I deeply miss in-person play and it looks like the odds of getting back to that are improving, day by day.

Here are the current state of the House Rules we are using for the 6th World Edition, they likely to be modified as we continue to play.

Our NorCal set campaign in still using 5th Ed rules, we have played another game which I hope to have written up shortly

Time for the first screamsheet of ’21/’78: Seattle Scream 69, the insect nest and go-gangs running rampant are after-effects of various adventures.  Turns out the Spikes get violent when they feel they have been disrespected.

Notes: Photo from and is listed as being in the Pubic Domain.


Superheroes – Once upon a Time in 1967 – Issue 5 – Gorilla Guerilla

14 January, 2021

Shortly following Issue 4:

Central Park in better daysCover: A group of heavily armed gorillas storming forward with our heroes giving ground.  “Can our heroes stop the onslaught of the savage simians?!”

Opening page:  “Deep in the heart of . . . Central Park?!”  It shows a very Kirby-esque glowing gate with ape silhouettes passing through.

808 and Shadowfist have been following up on the mystery of Miss Ood who definitely seems to operating out of China.  While Roboto has been, with the help of Diamond Industries, deflecting offers from the US Army to become an active service member but the Army is persistent.  Vulpix continues her training and avoiding her cousin.  Horizon starts to rebuild ties with his friends, cautiously as he is still afraid of his own powers.

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Tuesday Magic Item – Portal Ring, Unstable

12 January, 2021

Where are you going?“How does he keep vanishing like that?” said Voddick, lowering his crossbow.  “It is most annoying.”

“Agreed,” said Gollaon flipping a throwing knife and catching it. “Though he did not look so good that lost time.  I think the magic he is using is taking its toll upon him.”

Voddick nodded.  “As this chase is on me.  Hopefully some of the other hunters have found him.” 

A shout went up in the distance.

“The hunt is back on.”

Portal Ring, Unstable

These rings are usually made of some mix of crystals and gems with the occasional splinter of bone or stone.   The crystals flicker with light occasionally.

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Where are you going?“How does he keep vanishing like that?” said Voddick, lowering his crossbow.  “It is most annoying.”

“Agreed,” said Gollaon flipping a throwing knife and catching it. “Though he did not look so good that lost time.  I think the magic he is using is taking its toll upon him.”

Voddick nodded.  “As this chase is on me.  Hopefully some of the other hunters have found him.” 

A shout went up in the distance.

“The hunt is back on.”

Portal Ring, Unstable

These rings are usually made of some mix of crystals and gems with the occasional splinter of bone or stone.   The crystals flicker with light occasionally.

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Review – The Sixth Shotgun

5 January, 2021

The Sixth Shotgun by Louis L’Amour is a short story of the same title and a novella The Sixth ShotgunThe Rider of the Ruby Hills” in one volume.  I am not much of a reader of Westerns but L’Amour is so well regarded I thought I would give this collection a try.  It is easy to see why his stories are so popular, he has an easy and readable style and a knack for describing characters in a short space that gives you a good sense of them.

If you like Westerns, you should like these stories.  However, they are a product of their time and genre and the women, while competent and more active than I had expected, are defined by their relationships to the men in the stories.

But I am going to put a roleplaying spin on my discussions about them:

The Sixth Shotgun has a light mystery mixed with its Western and is a good example of how to blend genres.  There are no real surprises but it is a fun story and could be adapted for a roleplaying adventure pretty easily.

The Rider of the Ruby Hills is virtually a masterclass on how to run a campaign based around a single character.  The main character is exceedingly competent and goes into the situation prepared and with a plan, unfortunately for him, the situation in the valley in not entirely what he expected . . .

I think this is a good model for single character campaigns, the primary character has to be competent because there is just them at the core of it, I think this should be leaned into.  Almost everyone like playing someone of heroic statue now and then and this sort of campaign structure is perfect for it.  In the story the main character finds allies which could be GMCs or even guest players depending on how you wanted to structure the campaign (and if you had people interested in “guest staring” in your game) but they are very much secondary and support to the drive of our hero.  One of the main role of GMCs will be to provide information and context for the player.

In The Rider of the Ruby Hills, our main character wants to claim land and cattle to build a house and settle down after a life of roaming and working for other people and he has a plan to do such.  Naturally, things do not work out as he had planned.   In this kind of campaign a character’s drive could be anything, restoring their family’s good name, overthrowing the evil duke, whatever but it should be clearly defined at the beginning and they should have the capability to achieve such, if things break their way.  Ultimately everything that happens in the game should be building toward that goal and its final achievement (or tragic failure).

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Tuesday Magic Item – Stable Snowshoes

5 January, 2021

Dashing through the snow“Snow is better experienced from the comfort of a warm window,” said Gollaon trudging along the snow.

“As least we are properly equipped,” said Voddick, tapping one of his snowshoes with his staff.  “Wading through this without them would be even less pleasant.”

“True . . . and the payment for delivering the message is good.”

“Enough to buy several nights in a warm inn at the very least.”

Stable Snowshoes

These snowshoes are well made in the local style using the best of materials, the enchantments used in creating them keep them flexible and strong even if poorly stored or treated.  Occasionally they are decorated but this is rare as they are primarily a practical item.

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