Archive for November, 2017


Tuesday Magic Item – Martin’s Dispatch Bag

28 November, 2017

Dispatches to deliverVoddick shot another pursuer and worked to reload his crossbow.  “This is easier when one is not mounted.”

Gollaon twisted and released an arrow.  “True.  At least who are out of the siege.”

“And being hunted by half their cavalry!”

“It would not be fun otherwise.  Now we had best catch up with that courier we are escorting.”

Martin’s Dispatch Bag

These dispatch bag are made of tough and worn leather, sometime decorated with the symbol of organization that made it, other times with the mark of its owner.

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PinkCat: Running in the Shade “Haunted House” (A different sort of SR campaign report)

27 November, 2017

To understand what is going on here, you had best read the first PinkCat: Running in the Shade post, but short summary, this is a campaign report for our Shadowrun campaign set in NorCal through the filter of a cartoon made by one of the team members.

Episode Thirty Two: Haunted House

Why didn't we notice that before?Guest Starring: BB, Double Tap and Toru.

Some of the students have been daring each other to go into the spooky house at the end of the lane, finally a group did . . . and they did not come back out!  Pink and crew decide to go in and rescue them, as heroes do.  Cue lots of Scooby Doo, Ghostbuster and other ghostly pop culture references.  There are chases by “ghosts” that turn out to be rats, bats, cats and wind blown sheets.  Eventually, our heroes make it to the basement where they find a secret dance club.  The students did not come out because they were having too much fun.  Big dance party to end the episode.

What really happened:

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Tuesday Magic Item – Storm-Cutting Glaive

21 November, 2017

Sharp enough to cut magic“Charge!” yelled the knight, his men-at-arms and mercenaries followed, some more rapidly than others.

“Charging wizards is not the best for our health,” muttered Voddick.

“They said they had protection,” said Gollaon, “and we are about to find out.”  He gestured to a warmage crafting a spell.

The mercenaries dove for cover as the mage unleashed a bolt of fire.  As it reached the knight, he reached in a blur of motion, his polearm cutting through the fire, weakening the blaze but not entirely dispersing it.  The remanant of the flame washed over the pair.  “That was surprisingly effective.”

“Hope he can keep it up.”

Storm-Cutting Glaive

These pole arms are decorated with elemental wards and often with other symbolism depending on the who it was made for.  The wood of the shaft shows damage from where it has been burned or otherwise damaged but intense energies but its structural integrity remains intact.

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Tuesday Magic Item – Hop, Skip and Jump Medallion

14 November, 2017

“Thief!” yelled the merchant grabbing as the slim form now running from his stall.

Voddick lunged for the thief but grabbed only air as they simply were not there.  He looked around confused.

“There!” shouted Gollaon winging a peach pit off the back of the thief’s head.  The thief looked back with a bit of wounded pride and then leapt up onto a rooftop and was gone.

“Unfair,” complained Voddick.

“But successful.”

Voddick nodded ruefully.

Hop, Skip and Jump Medallion

These medallions are usually colorful, often they could be considered garish, and decorated with images of athletes or animals.

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Tuesday Magic Item – Breadboard of Plenty

7 November, 2017

Best thing since . . .“While it is not my preferred food, bread is a true staple,” said Voddick smearing butter across the hunk of bread.

“Some say it is the core of a proper life, but I agree with you, not what I would build my diet around,” Gollaon said, spreading jam across his slice.

“Foolish sell-swords,” said Madam Sugarfoot cutting off another slice.  “Bread is a good food but at its best among others and better yet when shared among friends.”

“Truth,” agreed Voddick.

Breadboard of Plenty

These breadboard are sturdily made of woods harvested from fruitful orchard, with the mark of the marker carved or branded on the back.  They are essential indestructible when used for their proper purpose and extremely durable when used for anything else.

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