Archive for June, 2021


June Ends, Welcome to Summer and July

30 June, 2021

GJCHope all of my readers in the Northern hemisphere are enjoying Summer, it is looking to be a warm one in North America, and that those in the Southern are having a safe winter.

As most of my readers will know, July was named after that paragon of modesty, Julius Caesar in the re-formalization of the Roman Calendar that created the Julian Calendar (which is, naturally, also named for him).  So, in honor of Caesar, we shall be looking at governments, organization and people of ambition in the Sea of Stars and elsewhere.  As usual, if there is a particular subject you would like to know more about or see more of, please let me know.

Looking back over June, 2021, with a fair amount of posting:

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Tuesday Magic Item – Hiri Headband

29 June, 2021

240px-Hrīḥ“Our companion seems very sure of themself,” said Voddick, “which is nice but I fear it could veer into overconfidence.”

Gollaon pondered.  “That is a good concern but one not warranted.  They are concerned only about the sanctity of their spirit and will not put that at risk for petty advancement.”

“And you are sure of this, why?”

“They value they purity highly and quite firmly.”


Hiri Headband

These headbands are simple, often just cloth set with a disc bearing a symbol of the faith, some are made of copper.  They are always pleasantly cool to the touch. Read the rest of this entry ?


Review – Shadowrun: Power Plays

25 June, 2021

Shadowrun: Power Plays is a sourcebook, specifically a “Runners Resource Book” for the Sixth World Edition of Shadowrun covering the Big Ten Megacorporations who, let’s face it, run the Sixth World in a very real sense. While tagged as a Runner Resource, it strikes me as more a book for Games Masters who want to know what is going on at the higher levels so that they can decide what filters down to the level of hiring runners for. Overall, an interesting read with some excellent chapters and lots of inspiration for games.

Shadowrun: Power Plays, is a Runner Resource Book for Shadowrun, Sixth World Edition, providing a look at what is going on in the corporate world, as the megacorps are the primary villains in the world, knowing what is happening with them is important.

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Tuesday Magic Item – Chain of Justice

22 June, 2021

Justice“I know courts seek truth and through it, justice,” said Gollaon, “but I always fear that the system is crafted to keep those in power, well, in power.”

Voddick nodded. “There is some truth to that but this one is good at getting the truth and all must submit to the same test.”

“There is at least some balance,” said Gollaon pondering.  “But still,the system will tilt toward the powerful.”

“That will always be true but with a good advocate, there is the opportunity for justice to emerge and that is more than many systems offer,” said Voddick.

Chain of Justice

These chains are heavy and usually decorated with a medallion bearing a symbol of justice, scales being common.  It does not force confession or self incrimination when used but does compel truth making it a powerful tool but one limited by how it is used. Read the rest of this entry ?


Tuesday Magic Item – Watchful Peacock Cloak

15 June, 2021

Juni“The queen mother’s cloak is quite spectacular,” said Voddick in a voice just above a whisper.

“An amazing piece of artistry and, I suspect, a powerful piece of magick,” replied Gollaon, equally quietly.  “It would be a shame not to at least guard all of that work.”

Voddick nodded. “She is rumored to be an amazing judge of character.”

“No doubt improved by her cloak,” smiled Gollaon.  “Let us go and make her acquaintance.”

“Is that wise?” asked Voddick to Gollaons back as they were already move to intercept the queen Mother.

Watchful Peacock Cloak

These cloaks are spectacularly colorful, usually mixing actual peacock feather with embroidery, bead work and metallic threads, creating a feast for the eyes.  But those observing the cloak have an unsettling feeling of being watched. Read the rest of this entry ?


Dark Future Ahead 29 – News from the ‘Net of a Cyberpunk bent

9 June, 2021

How will the world change as we move into the new corporate dystopia?  Join me in looking at some inspiration for cyberpunk gaming culled from my many trips into the matrix.  Enjoy the news:

It is a ridiculous vehicle but cost effective, even if it does look like a toy, meet the Ami.  For absurdity, a chase involving several of these could be hilarious.

Let there be warFor those cyberpunk setting that feature Neo-Soviets or aggressive Russians, here is their Cathedral of War.  It seems like a rather over-engineered justification for any future military actions taken by the Russian state, not disturbing at all.

How Red Bull uses football (and other sports) to build their brand, the success of RB Leipzig in German Soccer. An excellent example of how corporations use various means to advertises themselves which sometimes  becoming money making enterprises in their own right.

The celebrity impersonators making money on Cameo, it seems there is at least the chance to have some confusion on an extraction mission here.  Or possible a way to help pay for that body sculpt into an obscure 20th C actor.

Need something valuable and interesting to people to steal (or need to protect)?  What about Bob Ross paintings which are surprisingly rare given the number he painted . . .

Who says technology and superstition do not meet?  There is a superstition, maybe humorously played into, that a certain type of snack will keep your technology functioning properly . . .

Robots and cows, living together in harmony, at the Oldenkamp Diary.  Would be an interesting place for a chase or fight.

Notes:It has been a bit since I did one of these, hope you find it interesting.

Photo of the Cathedral of War found on Wikimedia Commons, comes from the websites (, минобороны.рф) of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and is copyrighted.  This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence.









Tuesday Magic Item – Bellona’s Torch

8 June, 2021

Sword of Bellona in action“How are we again opposing tyrants?” asked Voddick, back to the wall as he recocked his crossbow.

“There does seem to be a particularly large crop of them lately,” agreed Gollaon releasing an arrow and ducking back.

“It would be a much happier world if people would just let each other alone.”

“Agreed but then there would be less need for people like us.”

“Might that be for the best?” asked Voddick slotting a bolt into his crossbow.

Bellona’s Torch

These swords are harsh weapons of war, their blades blackened by flame and the the grips discolored from use.  Its balance is excellent and the blade stays sharp even after hard use.  They usually are marked with the helmet or torch of Bellona. Read the rest of this entry ?


Tuesday Magic Item – Pan of Perfect Pies

1 June, 2021

Pie!That was quite amazing, Madame Sugarfoot,” said Voddick pushing the now empty plate away.

Gollaon added one to the pile as well.  “Superb.  Among the best I have every had.  You know your pies, madame.”

Madame Sugarfoot smiled.  “Old family recipe and old family cookware.”

“You family is famous in stories and song for their skill with cooking,” said Gollaon.

“As they should be with pies like these,” said Voddick with a firm nod.

Pan of Perfect Pies

These pie pans can come in a variety of types, some metal, some fired clay, some fancy, some plain.  But they all bear and makers mark and some motto involving pies, such as “A perfect pie is a gift of friendship.” Read the rest of this entry ?