
New Monster – Ceramic Soldier (for D&D 5E)

29 March, 2022


Ceramic Soldier

The soldiers moved in close order and in perfect unison, it was not until they came closer that it was possible to tell that they were not living people at all but cunningly made and painted clay.

Ceramic Soldier
Medium hollow (construct), unaligned

Armor Class 13

Hit Points 45 (6D8+18)

Speed Walk 40 ft.

STR 14 (+2) DEX 10 (+0) CON 16 (+3) INT 6 (-2) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 3 (-4)

Saving Throws Str +3

Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning, piercing and slashing from non-adamantium weapons

Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10

Challenge 1 (300 XP)

Formation Fighter The ceramic soldier excel at close order drill, working seamlessly as unit.  For each adjacent ceramic soldier, a ceramic solder gains a +1 bonus to armor class, to a maximum bonus equal to their Constitution bonus.  If attacking a foe that two or more other ceramic soldiers are engaged with they all gain advantage on to hit rolls.
Temporary repairs While magic can fully restore a ceramic warrior to completeness, use of glue, paint and spackle can provide limited repairs.  With an appropriate tool check (DC 12), 1d4 hit points of damage may be repaired.  This check can only be made once after each battle in which the ceramic soldier suffers damage.

Attack. A ceramic soldier makes tone attack either using a spear or a javelin.

Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) piercing damage.

Javelin. Missile Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+2) piercing damage.

Mass-produced hollows made for warfare.  They are used as line soldiers, guardians, especially in tombs, and for other tasks where mindlessness is an advantage.  A ceramic soldier stands 5 to 6 feet tall and weighs 120  pounds (being hollow).  They are usually equipped with a long spear and three javelins though other configurations are known.  Those that are used in field armies are usually given a waxed cloth overcoat for additional protection.

Magical glazes may be applied to the ceramic soldier while they are being made.  Some of the more well known are:

Blue, causes the ceramic soldier to be bound to the element of water.  They gain Proficiency with Wisdom save (+2) the ability to reroll “1” and “2” on melee damage rolls when they do not move more than 5′ in a round.

Green, binds the ceramic soldier to the element of wood.  These ceramic soldiers, if allowed to rest in sunlight for a full day, heal 6 hit points of damage.

Red, ties the ceramic soldier to the element of fire.  This allows the soldier to inflict +1 point of fire damage with its melee attacks,to use burning hands (DC 10 +1 for each adjacent ceramic soldier to a maximum bonus equal to its hit dice), once a day.

Purple, hardens the ceramic soldier with the element of metal.  This gives the soldier +2 Consitition (and +6 hit points) and Proficiency with Constitution Saves (+6).

Yellow, these are only made for the Emperor and are reinforced with the element of earth.  These ceramic soldiers gain +2 to their Strength and make all saving throws against magic with advantage.  Additionally, anyone trying to attack a member of the Imperial family when they could attack a yellow glazed ceramic soldier must make a Charisma save (DC 13) or attack the ceramic soldier instead, and all Imperial family members benefit from the Formation Fighting ability as if they were a ceramic soldier.  Yellow ceramic soldiers may be equipped with better weapons and additional armor.

Before Combat: Ceramic soldiers wait for orders or respond to orders they have been given, they have no motivation of their own.

During Combat: Ceramic soldiers do what they are ordered to without question and without flexibility.

Morale: Ceramic soldiers are fearless and implacable only stopping fighting when commanded to or destroyed.

Notes: To go with the Soldier Box magic item (and because it was on this day that the Terracotta Army was discovered).

Adapted from my earlier ceramic soldiers (for Pathfinder here) which were in turn based on the terracotta warriors from the D&D Oriental Adventures book.

Image found on WikiMedia Commons and is in the public domain.

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