Archive for October 16th, 2012


Tuesday Magic Item – Pike of Uprisings

16 October, 2012

Throughout the night, the wagons rolled on muffled wheels bringing its cargo of weaponry to the oppressed people.  For too long, they had suffered under the harsh policies and ill-treatment of their so-called “betters”.  In the morning, their sympathizers would seize the gates to the city while servants in the keep opens the doors to the rebels.  By the end of the day, the people would be in charge and the streets would run red with the blood of the oppressors.

If everything went according to plan . . .

Pike of Uprisings

These weapons are just as often long spears as pikes with heavy iron spear heads set on a reinforced pole of dark wood, where often darker stains on the wood can be notice by those looking for them.

Read the rest of this entry ?


Ada Lovelace Day 2012

16 October, 2012
Ada Lovelace (1838)

Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of blogging to raise awareness of the achievements and successes of women in technology and science.  This year it is today (16th October).

As is my want, I will be looking back at one of the early female scientists, Aglaonike of Thessaly who lived in the 2nd Century BCE naturally, we only have fragmentary information about her (which is true of all such people of that era).  Aglaonike was the first female astrologer in Ancient Greece and was able to predict Lunar eclipses, a Greek proverb makes reference to Aglaonike’s alleged boasting: “Yes, as the moon obeys Aglaonike” which indicate her confidence in her abilities.  Other female astrologers were inspired by Aglaonike becoming known as the “witches of Thessaly” and often regarded as sorcerers.  (You can learn a little more about her at Wikipedia.)

And, lastly, one would be remiss to not mention 2D Goggles where, in the universe next door, Ada Lovelace is a adventerous science heroine.

Notes: Picture from the Wikimedia Commons and is in the public domain.