Posts Tagged ‘Halfling’


Visse, a Kindred, for Dungeons & Dragons (5E)

10 June, 2024

Like this but shorter.The Empress realized that she needed loyal servants to manage the machinery of the Empire, for an Empire needs a bureaucracy and a bureaucracy needs people.  Then, from an unknown source, came the Visse, within a decade, they staffed the Imperial Bureaucracy from top to bottom, serving at the behest of the Draconic Imperium.

The Visse homeland appeared fully realized in the fields and hills around the capital city of Shel’lioc, though they had not existed before the Sundering, their homes and villages, farms and fields, to all appearances had been there for decades if not centuries.  The Visse had family histories extending back through generations, generations that never existed . . . or did they?

The origin of the Visse has been debated by scholars and philosophers but not, oddly, by the Visse themselves.  The Empress, who must know, has never said anything about whence the Visse came.  And the Visse are secure in their place in the Empire and the Sea of Stars they know that questioning that good fortune will bring no joy.

The Secrets of the Visse by Unknown


The Visse, whose name literally means “those who serve” have become the indispensable servants across the Sea of Stars, filling the ranks of bureaucracies from the Imperial to the local, providing servants to the Draconic Houses, including the Imperial house, and generally working hard in whatever task they have set for themselves.

Their homeland is comprised of the villages and farms that surround the Imperial Capital, Shel’lioc, where the majority of the Visse are born and raised and where many eventually retire.  It is a place of bucolic beauty and tight family ties.  The lands are fertile, the weather mild, and the heart of most Visse lie in those green fields that will always be home to them wherever they go.

The Visse are just like most people only smaller and they are perfectly formed for their height.  Their coloration is oddly adaptive, over generations they begin to match the appearance of the majority of the populace that they live with. However, the majority of Visse males lack extensive facial hair, at best managing a mustache.

Visse Traits

Your Visse character has a number of traits in common with all other Visse. Read the rest of this entry ?


Review – True Halflings

29 January, 2012

True Halflings is a resource for an alternate type of halflings, one perhaps more true to their original literary roots.  If more humble and homebody sort of halflings are welcome in your campaign, this is the supplement for you.

True Halflings
is a 12-page PDF (10-pages if you remove the cover and OGL page) for the Pathfinder RPG written by Chris A. Fields and published by Otherverse Games.

Read the rest of this entry ?