
Tuesday Magic Item – Island King’s Spear

11 June, 2024

To sail where neededGollaon skidded to a halt as they arrived at the beach.  A flotilla of canoes waited beyond the waves.

Voddick shielded his eyes and looked out.  “Allies by their symbols and colors.”

“Allies indeed!” said the Prince.  “They have gathered as I have asked them to.  Now we will row to the palace and cast down that usurper and the foreign devils who allowed him to killed my parents.”

“Ha!  This will come as a shock as they had just been hunting us, we will turn the tables on them,” said Gollaon.

“Are then sending a boat for us?” asked Voddick.

“No need,” said the Prince as he cast his spear into the waves and it unfolded in the brightly painted war canoe.  “We will join them on this!”

“I like the Prince’s style,” said Gollaon, wading out to the canoe.

“I cannot fault it,” agreed Voddick.  “His strategy is not bad either.”

Island King’s Spear

It is thought that there is only one of these items, its precise origin is unknown but it was given to a local ruler in an island chain, supposedly by one of the deities of that chain, as a gift to aid him in his task of fighting monsters, rescuing people and unifying the islands under his rule.  Which was ultimately achieved, the spear has passed down through the lineage, though it occasionally vanishes when there is no candidate for the throne who champions the people as well as the kingdom, in those cases, it tends to be found by a distant relative who might be able to make a difference . . .

The spear itself is a work of art with a carved and decorated shaft of polished teak and a spearhead of beautiful watered steel that glints like the sunlight off the ocean.  It is light and easy to wield.

The Island King’s Spear is a +3 keen long spear.  When fighting alongside at least five other people who support the leadership of the wielders, the wielder and all within 50′ who can see them, gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and a +2 morale bonus to resist fear.  Once per day, they can give a mighty war shout which gives themselves and all allies who can hear it 2d8 + the Weilder’s Charisma bonus (minimum 0) in temporary hit points (that last for an hour) and an immediate extra save to shake off any hostile magic that effects the mind or spirit.

As their wielder’s command, the spear can become a war canoe capable of holding eight passengers that rows itself.  All within the canoe gain a +2 deflection bonus to their armor class against missile attacks against them from outside the canoe.

If the wielder achieves the post of ruler of the islands, as long as the spear is nearby, they gain a +5 divine bonus to all Charisma-based checks having to do with leadership and rulership.

However, the spear will abandon its wielder if they become tyrannical or uncaring of the people of the islands.

Aura strong enchantment and transmutation; CL 15th
Slot None; Weight 6 lb

For D&D 5E:

Weapon (Spear), Legendary (requires attunement)

First two paragraphs as above.

The Island King’s Spear is a magical war spear (treat as a glave except it does piercing damage) that provides a +3 bonus on to hit and damage rolls.  When fighting alongside at least five other people who support the leadership of the wielders, the wielder and all within 50′ who can see them, gain a +1d4 bonus to saving throw to resist fear.  They can give a mighty war shout which gives themselves and all allies who can hear it 2d8 + the Weilder’s Charisma bonus (minimum 0) in temporary hit points (that last for an hour) and an immediate extra save to shake off any hostile magic that effects the mind or spirit.  Once the war shout is used, it cannot be used again until the wielder has had a long rest.

As their wielder’s command, the spear can become a war canoe capable of holding eight passengers that rows itself.  All within the canoe gain a +2  bonus to their armor class against missile attacks against them from outside the canoe.

If the wielder achieves the post of ruler of the islands, as long as the spear is nearby, they gain advantage on all Charisma-based checks having to do with leadership and rulership.

However, the spear will abandon its wielder if they become tyrannical or uncaring of the people of the islands.

Notes: Inspired by the fact that today is King Kumehamha I Day in Hawai’i, who first united the islands, so I wanted to do something that drew upon the legendary imagery from that area.

Image Pukapuka Atoll by Herbert K. Kane and all rights belong to Herbert K. Kane, LLC, used without permission.

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