
Tuesday Magic Item – Sword of Fiery Ambition

16 July, 2019

A burning ambition“That noble does lead an impressive charge, what with the flaming sword and all,” said Voddick, patiently recocking his crossbow.

“Truth.  I do not fault our enemy bravery but they have chosen an ill cause to champion,” answered Gollaon lining up a shot with his bow.

“I almost regret that we have to kill him.”

“As do I but such is war,” said Gollaon releasing the arrow.

Sword of Fiery Ambition

These swords are always made for battle, they may be decorated but at their base, they are weapons of war.  The blade are often decorated with a flame pattern either through manufacture or by etching or inlay.  The hilts are usually wrapped with heat resistant material.

It is a +1 flaming sword that provides the wielder a +1 enhancement bonus to Charisma, however, as the wielder leads soldiers and wins victories in battle, they gain additional abilities.

  • After winning two battles, the bonuses go up to +2 and the wielder gains 2d6 temporary hit points when leading a charge of at least ten combatants lasting until the end of the battle.
  • After winning four battles, the bonuses go up to +3 and all combatants lead by the wielder gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and to saves against Fear.
  • After winning eight battles, the bonuses go up to +4, the temporary hit points gained when leading a charge go up to 6d6 and all combatants following them on the charge gain 2d6 temporary hit points for the same duration.
  • Lastly, after winning sixteen battles, the bonuses go up to +5 and the wielder gains DR 5/magic during a field battle.

However, all of these bonuses (even the base +1) are lost if the wielder ever abandons their troops or flees the battlefield, a fighting retreat is acceptable but flight is not.  The wielder must win another battle to restore it to its base bonus and start rebuilding victories from there.

A battle for the purpose of this sword requires there to be at least one hundred combatants on either side and a reasonable chance of defeat for either side.

Aura strong abjuration and enchantment; CL 13th
Slot none; Price 75,000 + cost of the sword; Weight by sword
Construction Requirements
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bestow curse, eagle’s splendor, greater heroism, stoneskin; Cost 37,500 + cost of the sword

For D&D 5E:

Weapon (sword), very rare (requires attunement)

First paragraph as above.

It is a sword that provides the wielder +1 to attack and damage rolls, you can use a bonus action to speak this magic sword’s command word, causing flames to erupt from the blade. These flames shed bright light in a 40-foot radius and dim light for an additional 40 feet. While the sword is ablaze, it deals an extra 1d8 fire damage to any target it hits. The flames last until you use a bonus action to speak the command word again or until you drop or sheathe the sword.  Additionally, the wielder’s Charisma score is 15 while you wield this sword (it have no effect on you if your Charisma is already 15 or higher).

  • After winning two battles, the sword’s bonus go up to +2, the wielder’s Charisma to 16, and the wielder gains 2d6 temporary hit points when leading a charge of at least ten combatants lasting until the end of the battle.
  • After winning four battles, the sword’s bonus go up to +3, the wielder’s Charisma to 17 and all combatants lead by the wielder gain a +1 to attack rolls and to saving throws against Fear.
  • After winning eight battles, the sword’s bonus go up to +4, the wielder’s Charisma to 18, the temporary hit points gained when leading a charge go up to 6d6 and all combatants following them on the charge gain 2d6 temporary hit points for the same duration.
  • Lastly, after winning sixteen battles, the sword’s bonus go up to +2, the wielder’s Charisma to 19 and the wielder gains resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage during a field battle.

However, all of these bonuses (even the base +1) are lost if the wielder ever abandons their troops or flees the battlefield, a fighting retreat is acceptable but flight is not.  The wielder must win another battle to restore it to its base bonus and start rebuilding victories from there.

A battle for the purpose of this sword requires there to be at least one hundred combatants on either side and a reasonable chance of defeat for either side.

Notes: Military success is one of the classic ways for people to build a power base, this sword is designed to enhance that road to power.  But you have to be willing to fight to really get the best of the magic of the sword and never run from battle, no matter how hopeless the fight is.

Photo “Flaming sword” by quinn.anya is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

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