Posts Tagged ‘ring’


Tuesday Magic Item – Bog Walker’s Ring

18 June, 2024

Gollaon stopped short looking over the marshy ground in front of them.  “Do we have to?  I just had my shoes polished.”

Their guide, a young woman, laughed and offered he hand.  “Take my hand and it will not be so dire, I promise you.”

Voddick looked at this.  “And me?”

“Take your friend’s hand and follow where I walk,” she said, heading into the area.  Her feet not sinking into the muck at all, nor did Gollaon’s or Voddick’s.

“That is a useful gift,” said Gollaon.

“Well, if you want to live in the bogs, it is good to have a few tricks, yes?” she said looking back and giving a wink.

Bog Walker’s Ring

These rings are carved from wood recovered from the deep bogs, made of wood millennia old and carved with precise runes and symbols.  Their magic is that of their deep tie to the land enhanced by the proper magical formula to expand and focus it.

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