
Tuesday Magic Item – Bog Walker’s Ring

18 June, 2024

Gollaon stopped short looking over the marshy ground in front of them.  “Do we have to?  I just had my shoes polished.”

Their guide, a young woman, laughed and offered he hand.  “Take my hand and it will not be so dire, I promise you.”

Voddick looked at this.  “And me?”

“Take your friend’s hand and follow where I walk,” she said, heading into the area.  Her feet not sinking into the muck at all, nor did Gollaon’s or Voddick’s.

“That is a useful gift,” said Gollaon.

“Well, if you want to live in the bogs, it is good to have a few tricks, yes?” she said looking back and giving a wink.

Bog Walker’s Ring

These rings are carved from wood recovered from the deep bogs, made of wood millennia old and carved with precise runes and symbols.  Their magic is that of their deep tie to the land enhanced by the proper magical formula to expand and focus it.

The ring makes working and living in a boggy or marsh area much easier, it provides the following abilities to its wearer:

  • They gain a +5 enhancement bonus to Stealth checks in bogs, marshes, and swamps.
  • When moving through a bog, marsh, or swamp, you may treat the terrain as if you had a water walk spell active.  You can share this ability to anyone holding hands with you or holding the hand of a person you are holding the hand of (up to a maximum of your Charisma modifier, with a minimum of one).
  • Lastly, while in the bog that the wood for the ring came from, the spirits offer additional protection and guidance, the first time the wearer rolls a one on a skill check or save, they may immediately reroll taking the second roll instead.  This ability resets at dawn.

Aura moderate abjuration and transmutation; CL 9th
Slot Ring; Price 15,000; Weight
Construction Requirements
Forge Ring, polymorph, water walk; Cost 7,500

For D&D 5E:

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

First paragraph as above.

The ring makes working and living in a boggy or marsh area much easier, it provides the following abilities to its wearer:

  • They gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to move or remain undetected in bogs, marshes, and swamps.
  • When moving through a bog, marsh, or swamp, you may treat the terrain as if you had a water walk spell active.  You can share this ability to anyone holding hands with you or holding the hand of a person you are holding the hand of (up to a maximum of your Charisma modifier, with a minimum of one).
  • Lastly, while in the bog that the wood for the ring came from, the spirits offer additional protection and guidance, the first time the wearer rolls a one on a skill check or save, they may immediately reroll taking the second roll instead.  This ability resets after the wearer has had a long rest.

Notes: Bog wood is fascinating, buried for thousands of years yet still usable.  My wife mentioned it to me as a good basis for magic items and yes, it is.

Image photo by Pamela Norrington and found on Wikimedia Commons, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.


  1. I love the location specific ability. Really adds to the flavor of the place.

    • Thank you, I was pleased with how it turned out.

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