
Beginning this month’s RPG Blog Carnival – After the Dragon: What happens after the monster attack and after they are defeated?

1 June, 2024

Fire is often left behindWelcome to the RPG Blog Carnival for the Month of June, 2024, on the theme of After the Dragon: What happens after the monster attack and after they are defeated?.

Obviously, the important part of the theme is Monster Attack, what happened?  What can be learned about the monsters?  Once they are defeated, how has the situation changed?

So, let us talk about monster attacks and their aftermath.  Some ideas:

  • Do you have a powerful monster that leaves behind a trail of destruction?  What does it look like?
  • If no one if left after a small village was attacked, how would the character know who was behind the attack?
  • What sort of aftermath would a dragon (or other major monster) leave behind?  Would it be immediately obvious what had caused the destruction?
  • Do you use monsters that capture or enslave people?  If not, why?  If so, what way do you find is the best way to do so without overly upsetting people?
  • If a destructive monster is defeated and its treasure seized, do you use part of it to help people rebuild?
  • Once you gain a monster’s treasure are there other people who want to take it away or at least get a share?  Who are they?  Rival venturers?  Local nobles?  Tax collectors?
  • Would you try and poach another group’s treasure taken from a monster?  Or raid a lair that some other group had already killed the owner?

And I am sure you can think of even better things to riff off of.  Let your imagination go wild

I hope you find inspiration.  Please leave a comment on this post with a link to your submission.  As people post links, please take a look as the idea is to share, inspire, and bounce off one another’s ideas.  At the end of the month, all of the links will be collected as in a hoard in a final wrap-up post.

If you are not a blog writer hopefully you will be still be inspired.  If you start a relevant thread on Reddit or Discord or a forum or whatever, then please post a link to it in the comments so that can be shared too.  The more people involved, the merrier!  Let us create some wondrous things together!

My first contribution is Aftermath of . . .

RPG Blog CarnivalNotes: This will be the sixth time the Sea of Stars has hosted the RPG Blog Carnival, the first time was back in May 2017 with the theme of Occult Mysteries, the second time in February 2019 with the theme of Making Magic Wondrous, the third was February 2021, on the theme of Divine Artifacts, and the forth was February 2022, on the theme of DRAGONS, and most recently on Bars, Taverns and Places to Hang Out from March 2023.

Thanks to RPG Wonderings for hosting last month on the theme of It is not easy being Green.

Image from pxhere and is in the Public Domain.


  1. […] As always, thanks to Scot for organizing the Carnival! And please check out (and participate) in June’s Carnival, After the Dragon: What happens after the monster attack and after they are de…, hosted by Sea of […]

  2. This is a very nice and open inspiration topic which I’ll definitely Eberron-ize for an article!

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