
Pantagruelian Pigeon (A to Z Challenge)

18 April, 2024

Pigeons are a constant in most cities, equally so in the Sea of Stars, so they are a problem and a potential source of food.  Unsurprisingly, some of the pigeons were caught in the after-effects of the Sundering leading to pigeons with odd plumage, strange habits, or other minor changes.  But the most worrying are the Pantagruelian Pigeons.

Pantagruelian Pigeons appear as large but normal pigeons with slightly larger beaks.  Their coloration is typical for the pigeons in their region.  When they first move in, they infiltrate and interbreed with the local pigeons, they are aggressive and if not quickly stopped will come to dominate the pigeon population.  Once that happens things become problematic.

Once the Pantagruleian Pigeons dominate the skies, they start attacking, killing, and consuming all other small animals they can catch.  Small birds, squirrels, and mice tend to go first (people may notice an influx of mice indoors as they flee from the voracious pigeons).  Though the pigeons will eat anything organic, window boxes will be plundered, and loose fruits and vegetables will be taken from market stalls.  Now, this might not seem too bad, just nasty pigeons but at this point, the Pantagruleian Pigeons start to grow, the more they eat, the larger they get, allowing them to attack and consume larger prey.  The limit as to how large one of the pigeons can get is unknown but it is recorded that some managed to reach condor size before being slain.

Notes: When needing something starting with a letter, search for interesting words starting with that letter, and one of the ones I found was Pantagruleian which has among its meanings enormous and voracious.  I was thinking initially of something with partridges but giant, carnivorous pigeons just seemed too horrifying not to use.

Image photo by George Hodan from PublicDomainPhotos.net and is in the Public Domain.


  1. This is amazing. Definitely using this idea somewhere!

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