Archive for November 1st, 2016


Tuesday Magic Item – Black Sow’s Tail

1 November, 2016

potential tail donarVoddick made a sign against evil and turned away from the passing mercenary.

“What was that about?” asked Gollaon.

“He was wearing a black sow’s tail, a piece of dark magic,” replied Voddick.  “It feeds on death and keeps you alive so that you can kill more.  Thoroughly unpleasant.”

“Ah, I have heard of similar items,” nodded Gollaon, “their wearers usually come to a bad end.”

“But they cause much evil before then.”

Black Sow’s Tail

These items are often made by hedge wizards and village witches, requiring only the tail of a black sow and a variety of herbs to create.  They are usually as simple as the cured tail on a string, but some fancy them up with copper or silver wire and a chain.  As the tail become charged with power, it curls upon itself.

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