
Crystal and Gem Magic Spells (D&D 5)

29 June, 2024

Gems which are also crystalsTo go with the Crystal-Blooded Sorcerers and Jeweled Mages, there needs to be a list of spells that are Crystal and Gem-aligned.  Most of these spells are rethemed existing spells (naturally) but I hope to add a few new ones in as well.

First Level

Crystal Chime (Alarm) manifests a crystal chime or bell that rings when the alarm if triggered.

Crystal Shield (Shield) the caster creates a geodesic shield of hard crystal that lasts for a brief period.

Flare of Gems (Color Spray) the inner light of a handful of gems is magnified and projected outward in a riot of color.

Spray of Crystal (Burning Hands except it causes piercing or slashing damage at the choice of the caster and does not set fires, using a slot of 2nd level or higher makes it magical damage) you unleash a barrage of crystal shards from your hands.

Second Level

Crystal Caltrops (Spike Growth) you create a field of razor-sharp crystal caltrops to impede your foes.

Crystal Seal (Arcane Lock) filaments of crystal spread to keep an item or doorway closed without the permission of the caster.

Gemlight (Continual Flame) awakes the inner light of a gem allowing it to serve as an everlasting light source.

Shimmer of Crystal (Blur) you are surrounded by a haze of crystal dust that diffracts and distorts your image making it difficult to perceive your exact position.

Wargem (Magic Weapon) lines the edge of a bladed weapon or reinforces the surface of a blunt weapon with magical gemstone.

Third Level

Environment Shielding Gem (Protection from Energy) the magic shield embedded within a gem guards you from the environment and hostile energies.

Warding Gems (Glyph of Warding) you inscribe a ward on a gem and place it to protect an item or thing.

Fourth Level

Celestial Crystal Sphere (Resilient Sphere) the sphere is composed of whirling pieces of crystalized aether.

Diamond Skin (Stoneskin) your skin becomes layered with diamond hard plates that shift with ease allowing you to move as needed.

Storm of Crystal (Ice Storm, except that the damage is piercing and thunder) blades of crystal pledge down and shatter with nearly deafening crystal notes.

Fifth Level:

Crystal Creation (Creation but only for crystal and gems) the base crystal or gem, replicates and grows, creating more of itself.

Glittering Wall (Wall of Stone, but of rock crystal) a wall of shimmering crystal grows and solidifies from the living rock.

Sixth Level:

Crystalize Flesh (Flesh to Stone except the target is transformed into crystal) with a gesture you begin to shift a target into crystal, in a color of your choice.

Seventh Level:

Generative Gems (Simulacrum but using the dust of gems and a pair of gems for eyes) using gems as eyes to reflect the essence of a being into the gem dust and create a quasi-living duplicate of said being.

Unleash the Heart of the Gems (Prismatic Spray) the gems flare and boil with light before unleashing a scintillating, but destructive, barrage of intense colors.

Notes: A work in progress, I will update this as I have time and inspiration strikes.  If you have a suggestion for a spell to add to this list, please let me know.

Image from Wikimedia Commons and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

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