
It never hurts to help (Feb 2015 Edition) Updated

22 February, 2015

One of our own, Jonathon Thompson of Battlefield Press, last the love of his life Tammy Mansfield to an unexpected heart attack and he is trying to get things sorted out in the aftermath.  The charity bundle hit its goals and we, the gaming community, have helped in this tough time.

Unfortunately, other gamers have had some terrible things happen to them:

Recently, fellow gamer, game master, and game designer Christopher J.N. Banks incurred the greatest loss that a parent should never have to experience – the loss of his 5 1/2 year old daughter, an only child. This charity drive is to raise funds to cover medical expenses and put together a proper tribute for his little Persephonee.  You can help here.

And if you are still feeling charitable:

The Philippine Gamer is having a bit of a rough patch with medical problems besetting wife and family.

The Regenerative Bioscience Center of the University of Georgia is trying to Save Endangered Species: the Sumatran Tiger and the Clouded Leopard.  It is a worthy goal and an good way to advance several interesting fields of study.

All worthy causes so please help out as you can.

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