Archive for January 7th, 2014


Tueday Magic Item – All Consuming Candle of Sardanapalus

7 January, 2014

Out of the pyre that was made from the Duke’s furnishings and works of art that had been hazardously piled in the courtyard of this, the least of his castles, a single candle, slightly melted, rolled free.

All good things . . .Jago the Royal Hunter, picked it up and looked back to the fire.  “Trust the Duke to deny us the satisfaction of killing him after all of the trouble he has put us through.”

“Bastard,” spat Rozilda the Poison Witch, “killing himself to escape his fate.  May he be hunted across the Realm of Shadows and torn apart by the thorn-mouthed hounds.”

“His servants perished within as well, even in death, he caused more misery,” said the Priestess in Silver.

“I am more offended that he destroyed all those valuables,” said Mouse, frowning over crossed arms.

All Consuming Candle of Sardanapalus

These candles are made of plain, ivory-colored wax with a braided wick that is made of spider silk and shed snake skin, a rune for rebirth is carved into the base and usually covered with silk taken from a shroud.

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