
Tuesday Magic Item – Wand of Light Entertainment

29 December, 2009

And now for something completely different:

Wand of Light Entertainment

These wands are usually very decorative, often made from glittering cut crystal or dark wood inlaid with polished silver.  They are light and easy to move around in tricky and showy ways (+2 equipment bonus to any Slight of Hand check made to manipulate the wand).

The wand has fifty charges, each change creates gentle music as if played by a 20-person chamber orchestra and provides soft light, in the form of four floating candles orbiting the wand’s user.  The music lasts for as long as the wand’s user ‘conducts’ it (and for 30 seconds thereafter) or twelve minutes, whichever happens first.

The wand is very friendly, even to non-spellcasters, who gain a +3 circumstance bonus to Use Magical Devices checks to activate the wand.

Aura faint illusion (figment); CL 5th
Slot none; Price 1,250; Weight
Requirements Craft Wand, dancing lights, ghost sound, creator must know the Extend Spell metamagic feat; Cost 625 (+50 xp for D&D)

Notes: Yes, this totally violates the standard wand creation rules, but so what?  It is fun and silly.

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